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Services and Makeup Parties

What is a Makeup Party?
Where you and your friends learn tips and tricks to do your own makeup. Great for teens starting out, birthday parties as well as woman looking to learn how to apply the basics. 
A non judgmental atmosphere; where we learn in a fun environment that supports women and builds confidence!

I offer makeup services for every occasion:
Fitness competition
Dance recitals
Head shots
Holiday parties
..and anything else you may need!

Makeup party for teens

Great for pre-teens, teenagers.
Let me teach your teen how to dive into makeup.

Email for more info

Taking Selfie
Woman Portrait
Woman Portrait

Makeup party

Want to finally learn how to use that makeup you have sitting in your makeup bag? 
Want to feel confident to wear it out?
I help you learn the tips and tricks of the industry.

No judgement, just confidence

Book a party with your friends, plan a night out after!

Email for more info

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